

Compartment 9, Gunung Raya Forest Reserve, Langkawi.

8 km from Kuah town, Langkawi.

Accessible by road that also leads to Malaysia Book Village.

Type of Forest:

Lowland Dipterocarp.

Elevation :100m a.s.l.

Special Features:

The 2 km river with its fascinating 2-tier waterfall is suitable for swimming, picnics and recreation.

A wide variety of flora and fauna of lowland dipterocarp forest is found here.

There is a 5 km track that leads to Gunung Raya Peak and also another 5 km track down to Durian Perangin Recreational Forest.

At the beginning of the hike lies the prominent steps known as ‘Tangga Helang Seribu Kenangan’.

The main plants species are rengas, merpauh periang, melunak, meranti temak and meranti jerit , rattans and palms.

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